Sunday 23 October 2011

Inspires, Intrigues, Motivates.

What inspires, intrigues and motivates me as a creative?

My inspiration comes from everywhere in life, from the complexicity and serenity of nature to artworks and architecture, books, films, music and games. Other people inspire me, in the way they act, especially the ones who tackle problems head on and with determination.

That also ties in to what motivates me; seeing people who aren't afraid to go for what they want in life makes me feel the same way. The amazing things that people have created inspires and motivates me to try to reach my own full potential.

I'm intrigued by so many things on this world, and off it too: I love reading about science, particulary the deep sea oceans that have barely been touched by human influence, and the vast reaches of space and everything out there that we have yet to discover. I'm also intrigued by the psychology of people and animals. Infact basically everything I don't know about intrigues me!

How do i research and explore ideas?

The main way I like to research ideas is through video and documentarys. I feel that the combination of visual and auditory communication is one of the most effective ways to convey a message. I feel that comics are an excellent way to illustrate a point (not in the sense of marvel etc, but comics on a whole as how they are defined by Scott McCloud in his book, Understanding Comics) as opposed to pages and pages of text. The internet plays a huge part in how I research and explore ideas, as it probably does for most people today. By using the internet almost any form of communication on a certain idea can be accessed, from video, audio, text, visual (pictures) and more. I will often try to use as many of these forms as possible in order to get a wider picture of the idea im exploring on the whole and to keep it fresh and exciting in my mind.

How do I communicate, interpret, define, story and experience ideas?
My preferred method of communicating ideas is through an artistic medium, whether that be sketches, paintings or sculptures. The reason for this is that It's the method of communication I find most enjoyable and appealing. Although it is a subjective way of conveying a message, I like that fact, that people can take away from it whatever they feel it means to them. This method of conveying ideas then seems more like a subtle persuasion and allows the one who is experiencing it to come to their own conclusions. I still feel like I have a lot of work to do in order to be able to make refine this 'subtle persuasion'; the masters of these mediums themselves still purport to have a lot to learn in order to get their messages across as fully as they would like, so that means I'v got a long way to go, but I'm excited about the journey.

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