Monday 12 December 2011

Ice creature

I'm also working on a creature that would inhabit an icy environment. I chose to use another of the silhouettes from before to develop for this, but purposfully chose one I felt looked awkward. Throughout the development of this character so far, it is clear that the anatomy is somewhat out of the ordinary which makes it appear strange.

While it's possible that this creature could function, the large bulbous area from which his arm protrudes seems more like a deformity than a convincing part of the creatures natural form. The underlying skeletal structure seems like it would be lacking in efficiency, and the apparent small amount of space for vital organs for a creaure with such large limbs seems contradictory. Although the context of the environment and/or setting within which this creature is based could explain its form in a satisfactory manner, the overall design seems fairly weak and unconvincing.

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