Thursday 6 October 2011


Today I attended a special guest lecture featuring the curator of the NEoN digital arts festival ( Donna Holford-Lovell. She spoke about her blogging for her fine arts masters degree project, and about her work related blogs for the Neon festival and various other projects she works on.

The way she described blogging made a lot of sense to me and I feel now that I understand the whole concept more thoroughly. Although some of her practices involving her MA blog seemed a tad questionable (but funny none the less!) listening to her talk about and show examples from her blog has inspired me to try to get myself much more involved in my own blog, and to use it more as a digital sketchbook where I can keep track of my thoughts rather than just as a progress report. One of the most useful things I'v found about other peoples blogs is the ability to go all the way to their first post and see their exact thoughts and experiences as the project develops, and I want the same thing for my own blog.

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