Thursday 6 October 2011

Personal Statement

Inspirations and Interests
I have always had a passion for characters and an eye for detail, and so sculpting characters feels like a natural choice for me. I am inspired by artists of all kinds but especially those who work with digital sculpture and painting, such as Sebastien Legrain of Eidos Montreal, and Ryan Kingslien who co-founded Zbrush creators Pixologic. Their work among many others inspires and drives me to better my own knowledge and skills in the field of digital scultping/3d modelling. Another source of inspiration is the many games and films I have watched that make use of CGI, and wanting to be a part of that motivates my progress in the field.

Career and Creative Aims

I aim to work as a 3d sculpter and character designer in either the games or film industry during my early career, with hopes to one day become a creative director and oversee my own ideas being developed.

Current Skills and Abilities

I currently have knowledge and skills in Photoshop, particularly in digital painting, Maya, which includes knowledge of 3D modelling and animation, and ZBrush, which is another 3D modelling software. At my current level of knowledge I can model a character in Maya, detail it in ZBrush, apply the detail using maps to the character then rig, skin, and animate the character having it ready to import into a game engine such as UDK.

Skill Gaps
I feel that I could use improvement when creating highly complex and detailed models in ZBrush. This relates to my skill as a sculptor on the whole and so more practice is needed. I also feel that I lack knowledge in the finishing of a piece in terms of painting and rendering a model. My knowledge of theory behind character design could certainly use improvement, as could my knowledge of all artistic principles, however I feel that the journey to improve ones art is never ending. In a good way.

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