Tuesday 11 October 2011

Pitch Week Supervision

Today I supervised a group of 1st to 3rd years who were pitching their ideas for their coursework for Computer Art. There were 2 hours to hear pitches from 6 students, 2 from each year, so I set the sessions to a 15 minutes pitch/ 5 minutes feedback. There were a wide variety of ideas going around, some great and others that needed some work. I tried my best to give honest feedback that would be helpful while not overly critical or complimentary but I feel like I could have been a little more constructive with it on the whole. I did stress that it was important to show development throughout the sketchbooks, and have various iterations of an idea rather than just a 'final' drawing, in order that people can follow the thought and development process to see how they ended up where they did.  It was a good experience for me and I hope I made it a good experience for them.

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